Vezetőkiválasztás, képzés, szervezetfejlesztés. A Simonyi & Tóth Személyzeti Tanácsadó Iroda hivatalos Blogja

HR Bonbon

AIMS Global Board Services Practice

2021. július 01. - Simonyi_és_Tóth_AIMS




Az AIMS International nemzetközi tanácsadó hálózat magyar partnerirodájának tulajdonosaként Simonyi Judit ügyvezetőnk tagja az AIMS Board Services Global Team-nek, melynek tevékenységét nemrég összegezte a tanácsadói közösség. 



The presence of a strong, forward-looking, diverse and effective Board is increasingly critical to the success of every organisation and most boards today have strategically or operationally high priority improvement areas. We assist client boards to reach their goals and their potential and we help solving problems as an external trusted partner, where this is needed. 

In our global AIMS International Board Services Practice there are qualified and experienced business professionals who are able to draw upon their own personal experience working on or with Boards across a broad range of business sectors. The team is diverse and comprises of senior AIMS International Partners who are located around the globe. Clients range from large public companies to mid-size/small family owned businesses and the services we provide are bespoke to the clients specific needs.

We provide service in the following areas of expertise:

⇒ Executive Search for non-executive board members
⇒ Executive search for CEOs and other executive board members
⇒ Board Evaluations and Assessments
        • Performance, development areas
        • Composition (knowledge, experience and competence matrix)
        • Processes and way of working
⇒ Assessment and Coaching of Individual Board Members
⇒ Board Succession Planning including Talent Mapping
⇒ Evaluations supporting M&A processes and decisions


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